Wednesday, September 17, 2014

AGM and Plate Final 16th September 2014


The new season got off to a great start with a thrilling Plate Final between the Robin Hood and the Cock; the questions had been set by the Knot Know-Alls and the Park Taverners and were very testing – both teams did extremely well with a range of answers from railway gauges to chess masters and Rick Davies asked the questions with his customary light touch and humour.

The Robin Hood maintained a small lead for each of the first five rounds when the last round saw a remarkable change of fortunes but too late to affect the final score which saw the Robin Hood emerge as Plate champions.

The contest was followed by the AGM which saw an interesting debate on the Arts and Entertainments questions – should we continue with having a separate Art and Culture round or revert to having three “free” rounds? This was eventually put to a vote with each of the teams present having one vote and with a narrow margin (10 to 9) it was agreed to return to the old method – there is some discussion on this in the comments on the entry below for 30th April. I’d be happy for this to continue but the nature of the blog is that they will be buried with future entries.

Special mention was made of the friendly and attentive staff at the Weaver and the future looks good for the coming season.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Out of Season Party


With the AGM fast approaching, it seems appropriate to look at the Lemmings’ summer party that went off well with the weather generally smiling down upon us.

A neighbour was kind enough to take some photographs but there were other quizzers present who managed to avoid the camera so this is not a complete record:

Alice Alice




















Heather Graham and Pete

Heather, Graham and Pete












NickThe chef



And Brian without whose generosity the Lemmings would have nowhere to meet and the ale provided at the party would be severely limited