Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stuffed By The Cock

Getting very consistent now - all the teams we beat in the first half of the season are now beating us. This time it was the turn of The Cock who played us at home. And despite the advantage of the home crowd the Wonderers once again managed to come second.

We thought the questions were pretty good, no quibbles about blanace and so on - in fact there is no excuse.

Individual scores were pretty good: Bob 15/12, Wendy 12/15, Nick 12/9, tomo 15/12 conferred 8/12, passovers 8/9. All in all pretty good - 20 points won on confers, and 17 with passovers. The Cock scored: conferred 12/3 passovers 15/11 - we gave them 26 points despite conferring well!!

Even mid-table is not looking secure now! Following the link at right for the questions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the title...I can see the look on Kenneth Williams' face!